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Single axis tracking systems

As the name says, a single axis tracking system is a system that only movesov
er one axis.
The panels can for instance be fixed in an angle towards south. As the sun rises from the east and goes down in the west, the panels adjust accordingly to increase the efficiency of the panels.The single axis tracking system is the simplest solution and the most common.The single axis tracking system is the simplest solution and the most common one used.

Dual axis tracking systems
A dual axis tracking system is a system that follows the sun in multiple angles ensuring that the sunbeam angle is 100% correct on the panel. By tracking the sun, the efficiency of the solar panels can be increased by 30-40%.The dual axis tracking system is also used for concentrating a solar reflector toward the concentrator on heliostat systems.


perfects movement in tracking systems

For tracking systems, LINAK offers several strong electric linear actuator solutions depending on your demand for force, stroke length etc.
For solar trackers LINAK has several solutions, but we have two
main products, which we would like to recommend to you:

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