5. How can we success?

5.2. Promote awarenessPublic and employees have to be convinced of the importance and potential of E- Governance. Show it?s real benefits for there daily lives. Actively promote awareness of new services and how the user community can benefit from them.
5.3. Encourage and Support departmentsThe government should encourage and support its departments to make use of the Internet in their everyday work.
5.4. Involve top leadershipA strong leadership that firmly espouses the benefits of E-Government has to exist. Given the risks and losses, the leaders should firmly believe in the larger sphere of achievable gains. Strengthened with the necessary monetary and political influence, the leadership?s belief and conviction have to be passed down the hierarchy of the government, and into the public
5.5. Monitor AssessmentAs we move into more sophisticated phases, providing deeper interaction, each milestone crossed should be an opportunity to reassess the gains achieved, the losses and reassert the objectives.
5.6. StandardizeThe government should adopt established Internet standards and protocols minimizing customization thereby reducing the risks of software and compatibility problems. Also outsourcing of software application development and training allows for standardization.
5.7. Ensure securityTo win the trust of the public and businesses in their transactions with the government, a national level security mechanism has to be instituted to combat cyber- crime and fraud. As part of this policy, a body of security professionals should be setup to respond to threats and breaches. Also the need for a certification authority and a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) encryption system has to be given top-priority.
5.8. Think globallyPlan locally first, but keep the global user community in mind. Sample customers would be other governments, multinational companies, tourists, etc
5.9. Improve E-Readiness Self-assessment of the government is mandatory to measure the readiness aspect in e-governance. These include human resources, budgeting resources, inter/intra departmental communication flows, etc. Factors to measure society?s readiness include national infrastructure, economic stability, education, public/private sector, etc. are important as it will help in assessing, how prepared a society is for e-governance. Other key factors for readiness that demand consideration are:
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